Prostate cancer, as we know, is a type of cancer that afflicts only men and is unfortunately very common (here on you can find statistics and information on the incidence globally).
A study by Dr. Eric Kelin of the Cleveland Clinic, published in the Journal of Urology, presents a new blood test capable of more accurately predicting the risk of developing cancer from the prostate, the test would appear to be more accurate than the standard PSA test.
The new test, called IsoPSA, would present a number of advantages, reduce the amount of biposies to the prostate. The test works to identify and differentiate the different 3D structures of the cancer cell isoforms. IsoPSA could also reduce the use of MRI scans. moreover, the combined use of IsoPSA and MRI could foresee the presence of high-grade cancer in 86% of cases.
If you are looking for more information, we recommend the article by The Spectator