Physicians often face important stress situations.
Unfortunately, doctors sometimes have to suffer negative prejudices made by patients who do not demonstrate the due respect.
Sites like STAT, WebMD and Medscape have collaborated in collecting stories and data regarding abusive remarks suffered by physicians in USA (including racism). Unfortunately, this type of negative feedback may also be found in other countries.
Physicians are exposed to any kind of bias and negative prejudice due to gender, ethnicity, religion and age
The data from WebMD tell us that 41% of the doctors have suffered negative prejudices based on sex.
African-American doctors (70%) and American Asians (69%) are more exposed to racial bias.
Other types of verbal remarks, as already written, relate to religion and age, but not only.
Some doctors, despite being attacked by these negative judgments, seem to understand why they are being expressed.
The stressful situations encountered by their patients unfortunately seem to favor (but not justify) certain types of comments. It is worth recalling that a physician must be judged for his professionalism, certainly not with negative prejudices.
We recommend the sites mentioned in this post to learn more about the topic and then we hope that in the coming years this kind of phenomenon will disappear in favor of respect.