These are particular times to be a lab manager (Covid is a situation never experienced before). However, crises serve to rethink some things … the laboratory can be one of them. Work culture is a concept that can be re-founded: culture is the way we do things around here. Corporate cultures require high involvement and attention. An effective system for evaluating corporate culture is the DISC (a method that you can learn more about by reading the Labmanager link article).
A laboratory, like a company, is made up of individuals, who make up a team for them. It is essential for a manager to know the peculiarities of each individual on his team.
Once the individual particularities of each one have been learned, the manager must develop (and it is certainly not an easy task) a management mode and a communication mode that must adapt each time to the person in front of him, to make him a participant and architect at the same time. a healthy and productive corporate culture. If you are looking for suggestions, we recommend the Labmanager article.