The importance of mentorship (even in times like these)

The importance of mentorship (even in times like these)

The work routine requires a series of tasks to be completed, this obviously requires energy and time, for this reason we sometimes try to cut what is not considered a priority. One thing that is not considered a priority is mentoring. This is a task that certainly...
Summer Holidays

Summer Holidays

We want to inform you that Edif Instruments will be closed for summer break from 10 to 14 August 2020. We wish you happy holiday… we will be back ready to face the last part of 2020!
The Power list 2020 by The

The Power list 2020 by The

The Patthologist, like every year, presents his “Power List” on the most important and influential people in the field of laboratory medicine. The lists are divided into four categories: -A Solid Foundation: which celebrates educators and mentors -Lab...
How to facilitate knowledge and cooperation in a Laboratory

How to facilitate knowledge and cooperation in a Laboratory

Tools, and data are all fundamental things in a laboratory, but competent staff (or workers) is even more so. Facilitating the transfer of knowledge and help between members is essential nowadays. We even think of reducing the divisions between the environments to...
Personal lives that change during the pandemic

Personal lives that change during the pandemic

Periodically the The Pathologist website allowed us to read the opinions of physicians and pathologists who tell about their experience with the Covid-19 pandemic and how this has influenced their way of thinking about certain things. The memory of all of us is shaken...
the need for a positive culture in the laboratory

the need for a positive culture in the laboratory

These are particular times to be a lab manager (Covid is a situation never experienced before). However, crises serve to rethink some things … the laboratory can be one of them. Work culture is a concept that can be re-founded: culture is the way we do things...