Frequently asked questions about a career in the Lab

Frequently asked questions about a career in the Lab

The way to go from university studies to the world of work is complicated, this applies to various sectors, and obviously also applies to those who want to pursue a career in the Lab. Many questions risk being left unanswered “can I jump from my PhD program to...
The importance of Cybersecurity

The importance of Cybersecurity

Ripple20 malware was discovered this summer. This malware may have infected various devices linked to manufacturers in Healthcare. Such a situation reminds us once again how important the issue of cybersecurity is. Over time, laboratories become more and more...
The opinion about scientistis during this hard times

The opinion about scientistis during this hard times

Scientists are a category that, more or in line with other institutions, enjoys a certain trust on the part of the population. The survey, conducted by in various countries, reveals a general confidence in scientists. Climate change, pollution and the...
The role of pathologist and laboratory medicine

The role of pathologist and laboratory medicine

he Pathologist presents an interview with Gary Procop, director of Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Virology, Mycology, and Parasitology, and Vice Chair of Pathology Education at Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. In this interview Dr. Procop will talk to us...
Effective and adaptive leadership in difficult times

Effective and adaptive leadership in difficult times

Adaptive leadership is essential in times of crisis, especially during a pandemic. The pillars of adaptive leadership are in short: -Anticipation: understanding future events and trends -Articulation: construction of targeted actions -Adaptation: continuous learning...
Pay attention to the noise

Pay attention to the noise

Noise problems in workplaces and in laboratories are often underestimated. But some situations can lead to hearing loss cases. Unfortunately, exposure to noise over long periods of time creates irreparable damage to hearing. Generally, if at a distance of a couple of...