We are at Medica Trade Fair 2021!

We are at Medica Trade Fair 2021!

After 2020 Medica Trade Fair returns (Dusseldorf (15-18 November 2021), after a long time we can meet in this special occasion! Come and visit us at Hall 3 / H26. See you there! If want know more information please check Medica official site.
Commonplaces about pathologists

Commonplaces about pathologists

We all know that unfortunately there are commonplaces on various topics, types of people and situations. They also exist on pathologists; among the most common are an alleged introversion, the lack of social skills, even a lack of empathy towards patients and many...
The lost sleep and the damage done

The lost sleep and the damage done

A team of researchers from Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland, have analyzed some of the impacts that sleep loss generates among adults, their research has been published in the journal PLOS ONE. Participants spent 10 days sleeping about a third of the hours...
Ideas for managing staff in critical situations

Ideas for managing staff in critical situations

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us that emergencies must be dealt with in a timely manner. In these cases it is important for the manager to plan some strategies so as to be able to carry out the laboratory activities: – Make sure every staff...