News from the IVD world
New blood test for ovarian cancer
Ovarian cancer is often discovered at a late stage, among the most common symptoms are: pelvic area discomfort, loss of appetite (or on the contrary, easily sated), swollen belly, etc. Often the symptoms can be confused with other conditions such as the pre-menstrual...
The importance of not overlapping our identity with our work
How often do we happen to not accept criticism, and feel offended because of these, in some areas of life, such as in the work area? Why in this area is it not in others? This is because our role in a company is as if it became our "identity", as if we not only played...
The importance of change management
We often hear about the culture of change and how to manage it. Certainly, both in people and in corporate organizations, following positive changes becomes fundamental to evolve the skills and the effectiveness of the work. Change becomes sustainable when...
CO2 blood test
CO2 is a gas that is naturally present in the human body, the variation of its levels can indicate the presence of infections or it can be caused by the use of medicines. Lower than normal results can indicate a series of pathologies such as: Adisson's disease, kidney...
How to improve decision-making with meetings
Companies make decisions, which are a fundamental part of organizations and their growth processes. These decisions often go through meetings, which in turn are part of the decision-making process... but how are meetings conducted? The problem is that they can be...
Management in laboratories
The working career in a laboratory can evolve in various ways, it can develop a lot on the "technical" side even on the management side.Those who undertake a management path generally, in addition to their scientific background, develop economic and business skills....
How to manage the pace of your work
What determines the pace of your work? Sometimes there is a strange behavior in people, that is to proceed slowly in tasks, when the deadline is still far away. We can consider distraction normal but the effect of procrastination (when there is no pressure) can be...
Blood test to detect Alzheimer: a new study focuses on Neurofilament light protein
In recent years, many studies have been carried out to measure whether the presence of some substances could indicate neurological problems. A new study by Lund University that focuses on neurofilament light protein (NFL), detectable by a blood test. The high...
Don’t underestimate intuition, it is a rare skill.
Intuition is an important "soft skill", rare but also not always easily identifiable. It is a quality that is not always present and there are differences between small and large companies. t is also fundamental in the field of diversity. How important is it in a...
The importance of laboratory teams
Work in laboratories, like many contemporary works, has become more complex and dynamic. The teams in the laboratories, as in all companies, have a fundamental role in responding to new needs in an adequate manner. Their growth directly impacts business growth. It...
How to manage the little time available when work increases
We hear, rightly, often to talk about work-time balance, how to manage time and stress, etc., but sometimes we have to consider that, in some periods of life and in some jobs, the intensity of time and effort required is high and this leaves little free time. However...
A study about new PTSD blood test
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a well-known disorder that afflicts victims, or witnesses to events that are highly critical (war, acts of violence, natural disasters, etc.).A team from the Indian University School of Medicine (Indianapolis- IN -U.S.A.) is...
Lab etiquette can improve lab life
The laboratory is a work environment that has its own particular characteristics, but like any working environment it needs its own etiquette. Maintaining a positive and respectful atmosphere for all those who work with it is essential for the success and for the...
Corporate social responsibility: a new goal
The attention to Corporate Social Responsibility, over the years, has become an increasingly important topic. The importance of the topic is derived from various factors: the greater awareness of the impact (environmental, climate on employees) that companies have,...
Individual meetings
The work environments are complex and the time is short, especially if you are a manager. General meetings with all the staff are good but it is not the only way to guide the work of each member of the group. Time is precious, and you can not waste it, but for a...
A blood test for pain
A study led by psychiatry professor Alexander Niculescu and his team from Indiana University School of Medicine is developing a blood test to measure pain biomarkers accurately. The test would be an excellent support for doctors who could implement the best treatments...
Sustainability and strategic advantages
Can sustainability, as well as an "ethical" theme, give results in terms of performance for companies and be part of the corporate strategy? This theme, which once was at the margins of business productivity in recent years is becoming increasingly central. For years...
the new challenges of the laboratories
What are the new challenges for who is manager of labs? What are the directions that leadrship must take to continue and advance its laboratory and its business? If you are interested in these and other questions we recommend this exhaustive article via Lab Manager.
A new Blood test for Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic cancer is difficult to diagnose at early stage. Unfortunately, often the most obvious symptoms are detected at an advanced stage of the disease. A team from the Van Andel Research Institute (Gran Rapids, Michigan-USA) is developing a new bloo dtest that,...
Diversity in Companies: a positive impact
Diversity, as we have already written in previous posts, is a resource for every company and company. The positive impact it can have on company performance can be significant. A brillant report by Mc Kinsey & Company reinforces this idea, within the report you...
New steps forward for the Alzheimer’s blood test
We all know the Alzheimer disease and the consequences it brings to affected people. We have already talked about this disease in previous posts. The diagnosis is made through the patient's history, other tests such as Computed Tomography (but not only) serve to...
Strategies to improve Time Management
Time management is a fundamental skill, work sometimes increases and time remains the same, (or is reduced) so accomplishing the same tasks in the shortest time is essential. The strategies to achieve more work in a short time are varied, of course we must have clear...
Merry Christmas
It's Christmas and we want to take advantage of this time of year to thank all our collaborators and partners all over the world, sincerely wishing them great happiness and the best hopes for the future!
Tips to develop internal communication in the lab
Many organizations, including scientific ones, place great importance on external communication and marketing, both in terms of promotion and attracting the best talent. The same organizations also try to take care of internal communication, which may encounter...
Divesrity and Inclusion
Diversity is a concept, (rightly so) very popular, in the construction of a cohabitation of a group of people, in civil society and even in companies. But beyond the idea of diversity we must think about how to manage diversity and combine it with the concept of...
A new test based on the epigenome to detect cancer?
A study is developing a new test in which cancer can be detected with the use of gold nanoparticles. The study is based on the epigenome. Could this become a new cancer blood test? we recommend this article via
Glassware safety
We assume that working with appropriate glassware equipment in the laboratory is a well-established routine. The protection is essential because during some daily activities there are some potential risks for the health.. Awareness is important, so we suggest you take...
Memories from Medica Trade Fair 2018
We are very happy about our experience at Medica, we want to thank all those who have supported us during these days. Thanks from the Edif Team. See you next year!
Edif Instruments at Medica Trade Fair 2018
Meet Edif Team in Düsseldorf at Medica Trade Fair 2018! From 12 to 15 November 2018, Hall 3 / Booth H26 We will show you our products and solutions for IVD industry!
A new test for rheumatoid arthritis?
A doctor will diagnose rheumatoid arthritis in various ways, analyzing the symptoms that manifest the patient, doing physical exams and preparing blood tests. If you want to know more about these tests, we recommend the Medical News Today article.
The importance of choosing the right person
Choosing the right person for your laboratory staff is essential, anyone who knows that the choice is not simple and keeping the person even more difficult, so you need to have clear ideas and know exactly what features you are looking for. whole organization. If you...
Hate between two leaders
Cooperation is a fundamental concept in companies and in the various work teams, we often face situations of conflict between non-prominent or "junior" members, but how to manage the clash between two leaders? What could be the repercussions of this unpleasant...
Productivity: tips and bad habits
Changing some habits is a very difficult thing. If at the end of the day you think you could have done more, with this infographic of you could find valuable tips to improve productivity.
Laboratory: some advice in case of natural disaster
The work done inside the laboratories is very valuable, everything that is contained can be the result of years of work and research, unfortunately the attention that must be given to the laboratories is not only for human errors that risk compromising every effort...
The potential of different networking
The building of relationships with people and therefore the development of a network can become fundamental in life and in work. A 1985 study conducted by researchers Robert Kelley and Janet Caplan, analyzed that the most productive employees of a company, were not...
Summer Holidays
We want to inform you that Edif Instruments will be closed for summer break from 10 to 24 August 2018. We wish you happy and fun days… on our return we will be even more energetic to start again!
A new blood test could help in the treatment of prostate cancer
The analysis of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are not easy and are not yet part of the routine care, among the reasons that make this analysis difficult is the indivduation of these cells among millions in a blood sample. However, in June 2018 a study reported that...
The power of small teams
Is it possible to work with small teams in a more agile organization, even if it is large? Yes, but with the right mindset and some organizational measures. Many agile organizations, even if large, instead of having a few teams composed of many people, prefer to...
Melanoma blood test: a research from Australia
A team of scientists from Edith Cowan University (Joondalup - Australia) is developing a blood test to identify Melanoma. The researchers agree that a test of this kind can give better results than the human eye, with the goal of saving many lives. The test...
Dialogue between Managers and Employees
In workplaces, ti was a standard practice to give feedback to employees once a year with a performance review, but this part was not always something that paid attention to the development of the employee's career. As often happens, things change over the years and...
A close look to Zika Virus
Are you curious to see the clearest image of the Zika virus? The image of the "colorful" virus, similar to a particular beach ball, has been published on Structure. data as of February 2018 state that the virus has spread to 86 countries. With this new image of Zika...
Autism blood test: New possibility?
Autism Spectrum Disorder is a disorder that consists of various symptoms and conditions and strongly affects the person's interaction with the outside world (we have already talked about here and here). Some symptoms that occur in cases of ASD are: repetitive...
A reflection about lab meetings
The way we communicate at work, with the progress of technology, has changed a lot. Once conversations between colleagues took place in person, or by telephone. Now via email, and fast messaging and VoIP systems, new communication technologies have become the standard...
Job Satisfaction and Staff Turnover: 5 Tips
Job Satisfaction is a very important factor, and is connected to the productivity of companies, What are the characteristics of job satisfaction? there are multiple: "easy" communication with management, recognition, safe environment, flexibility, good work-life...
A blood test could be measure premature birth risk
Childbirth is a very important moment for every woman. Obviously it is also a very stressful and critical pahese. Unfortunately many women experience a life-trheatening spontaneous preterm birth. It is difficult to understand how some pregnancies come to an end before...
Marketing and Sales: a different focus?
The dualism between Sales and Marketing departments is one of the dynamics that companies must be able to manage well so as not to find themselves spending resources to solve problems. When a new product line fails, there can be various reasons, but we must always...
Over the cities and far away (communication with distant teammates) Part II
Let's go back to talking about distance communication with the second part of the Labmanager article dedicated to this very important topic. As we already know, nowadays it is easier to support long distance communications at work. The difficulty of having a team...
New Blood Test for Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer, as we know, is a type of cancer that afflicts only men and is unfortunately very common (here on you can find statistics and information on the incidence globally). A study by Dr. Eric Kelin of the Cleveland Clinic, published in...
The importance of control procedures when working with Biohazards
Working with biohazardous materials is not a simple matter and obviously it is necessary to take precautions against a series of risks. Pathogens, viruses and biological toxins can be lethal both for those working in laboratories and for the population, the risk is...
Problematic workplaces
The workplace is one of the places we are present for most of our time, sometimes it can become like a second home or maybe not. As we all know from personal experiences or stories of friends and acquaintances, there are good working environments with healthy...
A blood test to detect lung cancer?
Lung cancer is a tumor that causes uncontrolled growth of cells and tissues in the lung area and has a fairly high spread globally. The symptoms that may indicate this type of cancer are various: frequent cough, cough with blood, shortness of breath, fever, chest...
Over the cities and far away (communication with distant teammates)
Leading a team is not a simple challenge. Obviously having all the members available in the same place makes the thing simpler (or in theory it should be). The challenge increases when the team to drive is dislocated, in different offices, in different cities ... or...
How to manage your emotions in a business meeting
Are you afraid of business meetings in your company? Sometimes during work meetings, you can be called to intervene, providing answers, opinions and ideas. Needless to say, it is a delicate moment in which embarrassment and negative emotions can prevail. It is obvious...
Energy savings and greater efficiency, the new challenge for laboratories
The energy consumption of the laboratories is very high. A laboratory uses about 5 times the amount of energy used in a typical office location. It is useless to say that this creates an important environmental impact The spikes in a laboratory can be of various...
Diabetes: knowledge and prevention
Diabetes is a chronic disease that results from a lack of insulin in the human body, insulin is a hormone that decreases the concentration of blood glucose. On the occasion of the American Diabetes Association Alert Day, today, March 27, 2018 we pay attention to this...
Computational Pathology: a deep reflection
Computational pathology is certainly a complex subject, according to the definition given in the article "Computational Pathology: an emerging definition" "the computational pathology is "an approach to diagnosis that incorporates multiple sources of raw data [...],...
The importance of Time Management
Time management in companies is a very important part of their productivity. The control over the use of time allows the achievement of a better performance (A better work-balance life relationship also depends on this). The time with which we face with our tasks is...
Colon Cancer prevention
March is the month of Colon Cancer Awarness according to the Colorectal cancer alliance. It seems appropriate to give prominence to this type of cancer, which is one of the leading causes of death among cancer-related deaths. Colorectal Cancer is a form of cancer that...
How to manage Remote Communication
Remote communication is the communication and transfer of data that occurs between devices not present in the same place. With the technological advancement, this type of communication has become increasingly popular in various forms (SMS, instant messaging platform...
A blood and urine test to detect ASD at early stage
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) afflicts 1% of the world’s population. We have previously talked about ASD in this post, This disorder consists of various symptoms that afflict the social and communicative life of the person such as hyperactivity, speech disorders,...
Cybersecurity: Awareness and risk
In recent years, the security of company data with the ever-increasing computerization of operational processes makes the issue of cybersecurity for companies fundamental. We can find companies where access to different types of sensitive data is allowed to many...
A blood test to predict Alzheimer’s (even up to 30 years earlier)
A blood test aimed at identifying the first signs of Alzheimer's was developed by a team of Australian and Japanese scientists. We had already written about a blood test to identify the risk of Alzheimer's. The test tries to identify the presence of Amyloid Beta, a...
3 tips for resolving workplace conflicts
Workplace conflicts are inevitable. The companies are composed of people, with different personalities and different ideas (even if all serve the same goal). Sometimes these personalities and ideas collide, as already said it is normal that there is disagreement, the...
Laboratory relocation: problems and suggestions
Every laboratory manager knows that the laboratories can be relocated for various reasons, some positive and some negative (more or less availability of funds, amount of work etc.). It is fundamental to know well the new place in order to better position all the...
A blood test and a brain scan to prevent the possibility of a second case of deadly strokes
A study by the University of Edinburgh is evaluating the combined use of two tests, a brain test and a blood test that can help physicians prevent the possibility of a second case of deadly strokes. This new method could change the way of handling the strokes caused...
Cancer: decline in deaths in the USA
Good news about the fight against cancer in the USA: the deaths caused by this disease, since 1991 have fallen by 26% according to the American Cancer Society (ACS). This excellent result is determined by some factors like the reduction of the smoking habit (with...
Lab Safety: Focus on accidents
Work in the laboratory, although protected by a series of guidelines, presents a series of risks. Incidents can occur, sometimes without serious consequences, but sometimes with extremely negative results. Speaking of extreme consequences, Everyone knows how dramatic...
Conflict in workplaces: The Win/Win approach
Conflict in workplaces is an important issue, to which many people often try to escape, as it is considered inconvenient, but risking that the issue will turn into something without solution. A certain level of conflict, when people works together is inevitable, the...
Burnout: how to recover energy
Burnout is one of the worst problems that can afflict a worker. It is a syndrome that comes from a strong and long stress process. As we had already written in a previous post, This pathology is a result of several emotional responses and is a risk that must be...
MS: monitoring with blood test
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is sadly known a chronic autoimmune disease affecting the central nervous system. Unfortunately, the symptoms can vary from person to person because they are dependent on which part of the central nervous system is attacked by the disease...
The importance of professional networking
“Taking on a project that was a little outside of Dr.Woodruff's expertise [...] required that I collaborate and network from the very beginning,” McKinnon says. And she isn’t alone in her need to work, and interact with, others. For many lab professionals, it’s a...
Memories from Medica Trade Fair 2017
Our team thanks all of our friends, customers and partners for their support during the great experience of Medica Trade Fair 2017. There were days full of meetings with people from all over the world, with whom to talk about business, technology and the future of IVD...
Edif Instruments 30th anniversary – meet us at Medica Trade Fair 2017!
Edif is proud to have achieved the wonderful goal of 30 years of activity. We are delighted to have developed (and continue to do so), during these years, chemical analyzers for the IVD industry, bringing our knowledge and "made in Italy" expertise in the market. In...
Prejuidices about physicians: a report
Physicians often face important stress situations. Unfortunately, doctors sometimes have to suffer negative prejudices made by patients who do not demonstrate the due respect. Sites like STAT, WebMD and Medscape have collaborated in collecting stories and data...
Repeatability: an old problem
The question of repeatability in science is an old matter with ancient roots. Despite technological advances, the problem still persists. In a study conducted in 2016 by Nature Magazine, more than 70% of researchers tried to reproduce experiments by other scientists...
Procrastination and work
Procrastination, as we all know, is that behavior that makes us put a task, action, or duty in favor of other tasks for us more enjoyable. It's superfluous to say that this behavior is clashing with productivity at work, it's important for companies and workers, and...
cMyC test: an “instant” blood test for heart attacks
An heart attack (myocardial infarction) occurs when the blood flow to a part of the heart muscle stops, if the flow is not restored, it causes heart muscle damage. Symptoms may vary by person, among the most common we have chest pain, shortness of breath and pain in...
Decision Making in multigenerational teams
Decision making is never a simple process. In any company, periodically, there are difficult choices to make with long meetings where it is discussed the best direction to follow. Teams in companies are often heterogeneous , in their composition, they can integrate...
Low levels of vitamin D to higher risk of MS in Women
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune disease affecting the central nervous system. MS produces a loss of myelin in multiple areas of the brain. Causes are still unknown, genesis of the disease seems to be caused by a combination of environmental and genetic...
Leadership: Impact factor and right signals
Solid leadership is a primary factor in managing a team. This role is often the result of a career progression, it is a very important change that needs to be dealt with at best. Leadership styles are different, they can change based on age and experience. The...
Blood biomarkers and early diagnosis in ASD
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a definition that is given to a wide array of symptoms and behavioral disorders. These disorders can have varying degrees and intensity levels. ASD has a wide variety of symptoms and can be diagnosed in both school and pre-school...
Alzheimer’s disease: a blood test can predict the risk
The sadly known Alzheimer's disease is a neurological degenerative disease affecting the brain and is the most common cause of dementia. According to about 44 million people in the world are afflicted with Alzheimer's disease or dementia-related...
Hashimoto’s Disease: 8 tips
Hashimoto's disease is an autoimmune pathology that attacks the thyroid and is linked to hypothyroidism, was diagnosed by Japanese physician Haraku Hashimoto in 1912. The causes are not well known but there are several factors that can trigger...
Hive Project
Hive is one of many projects that we have in reserve for this fall. The concept is born to build a modular chassis and aesthetics product that is dedicated and partially customizeable by you, our OEM partners, without the need of a consistent investment for moulds and...
Burnout Syndrome: 8 tips
Burnout syndrome (BOS) is one of the most serious consequences of a strong stress-induced process. Unfortunately, it is a disease that is growing and afflicts contemporary societies ( for example, according to Statista in Usa money, workplace and family...
Summer Holidays
We want to inform you that Edif Instruments will be closed for summer break from 5 to 20 August 2017. We wish you happy holiday... we will be ready for new projects!
New development for Prostate Cancer blood test
Prostate Cancer affects only men, unfortunately is one of most common cancer between men.(e.g. for American Cancer Society. Only in US there are 161,360 new estimated cases in 2017 and an incidence rates 2009-2013 of 123.2). This particular pathology often shows no...
Diversity Matters
Gender and ethnic-cultural differences are a resource for companies, in an increasingly globalized world, it will be easier to find a more heterogeneous workforce. The impact of diversity in workplaces is undeniable and is a positive impact, the productivity of...
Work-Life Balance
Work-life balance has become an increasingly important concept in recent years, a proper management of working life and private life helps productivity in any company, even in laboratories or in medicine. The achievement of this goal can be possible with a...
Racism In Medicine
In June 2017, a serious episode of racism was reported in Canada at Rapid Access To Medical Specialists Clinic (Missisauga, Ontario): a white woman has specifically requested a white doctor to cure her son. Unfortunately, over the years, other incidents have occurred....